HO Scale Track, Bridges & Accessories
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Most items seen on this page are available in "Very Good" to "Ex." preowned condition. "Kits" are more likely in unbuilt "New" condition. If you have a preference on condition, please email us. We will then follow-up to let you know if we can accommodate your request with availability and price. Thank you.
Condition Information: Some items listed below are new in packaging while others are slightly used out of package.
Other Information: If you have a need for Hobby Paint, please email us and let us know. We have much to choose from along with hobby paint brushes as well. :)
SKU: Description:
00095/082 Manual Left Switch Machine(New)
00080/082 Lot including Lighted Bumper Track and left & Right Manual Switch Machines(New)
00080 & 06550/088 15 Pieces of Track(Near New shape) & Used Power Transformer)Great starter set
00080/088 4 Pieces of Flex track(3 - 3' lengths & 1 - 1' Length(NEW)
00084/088 Used Turntable(Motor works, needs to be repaired, missing a couple parts)
00080/000 26 Pieces of Nickel Silver Train Track(Near Mint condition)
00080/091 Small varying lengths of track - minimum 15 piece lots.(10 available)(Used but good cond.)
00080/000 22 Pieces of Nickel Silver Train Track(Used in good shape)(2 Lots available)
00080/000 33 Pieces - various short sizes of Train Track(Used in good shape)
00080/000 1 Brass Remote Right Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/000 1 Nickel Silver Remote Right Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/000 1 Nickel Silver Remote Left Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/102 26 Piece track lot(Near Mint - Mint)Includes many types & pieces
00080/102 33 Piece Nickel Silver Track Lot(Curves only)(Near mint)
00080/102 22 Piece Track Lot (Near Mint)Includes Trestle Bridge, Lighted bumpers, criss crosses +
00080/102 35 Piece Track Lot(Near Mint)Includes Criss Crosses, Y switch, Right & Left switches +
00080/102 5 Pieces of Flex track - 3 foot lengths(NEW)
00080/102 Right Remote Switch Track(USED but works fine)-2 available
00080/102 Left Remote Switch Track(USED but works fine)-5 available
00080/110 Silver Nickel Remote Left Switch Tracks(2 available)
00080/110 Silver Nickel Remote Right Switch Tracks(3 available)
00080/110 Brass Remote Right Switch Tracks(2 available)
00080/122 5 piece lot of E-Z Track by Bachmann(Near Mint)
00080/122 18 piece lot of E-Z Track by Bachmann(Near Mint)
00080/122 Complete Oval E-Z Track with transformer & hookup(Near Mint)
00080/122 Left Remote Switch Track(Used in very good working condition)
00080/125 Pair of used Remote Switch Tracks(Left & Right-Excellent working condition)20 pairs available
00080/125 4 1/2' Oval track layout w/transformer & wiring complete(Used-excellent shape)10 sets available
00080/125 Flex track Near mint-mint(5 piece lots)7 lots available
00080/125 Nickel Silver track lot - 34 pieces(Near mint)
00080/132 Atlas Remote Right Switch(Near Mint)(4 available)
00080/132 Atlas Remote Left Switch(Near Mint)(3 available)
00080/136 Casadio Remote Right Switch(Good working order)
00080/136 Lifelike Remote Left Switch(Good working order)
00080/138 Bachmann EZ Track 18 piece oval complete with transformer & hookup(NEW)
00080/138 14 piece Nickel Silver track Oval complete with transformer & hookup(NEW)
00080/164 30 Piece track oval complete with power transformer, wire, RR Crossing, Connectors & Sand paper. All you need is to add the train and you've got a ready made layout! (Used in very good condition (5)
00080/164 Right Remote Switch track with switch controller(NEW)(3)
00080/164 Left Remote Switch track with switch Controller(NEW)(3)
00080/164 Right Remote Switch track(Excellent Condition)(2)
00080/164 Left Remote Switch track(Excellent Condition)(2)
00080/164 Lionel Rerailer Uncoupler 0919 track section(USED)(2)
00080/164 Illuminated Bumper Track section(NEW)
SKU: Description:
00387/062 Elevated Train Bridge with Blinking Light & set of 12 Trestles(New Kit)
00388/062 Elevated Train Bridge with Blinking Light & set of 28 Trestles (New Kit)
01068/080 Bridge 'N Trestle Set including 17 pieces(New Kit)
00089/000 Trestle Bridge w/Piers & 8 Pieces of Track(Like New Condition)
00089/088 Used Bridge and Trestle Set Var.1(Excellent shape - 4 Avail)
00089/088 Used Bridge and Trestle Set Var.2(Excellent shape)
00089/000 Bridge & Extended Trestle Set(Vat.3(Excellent Shape)
00089/094 Bridge & Trestle Set(33 Pieces)(NEW)
00089/094 Over/Under Bridge with real blinking light(NEW)
00089/102 2 Tunnel Portals(Mint)
00089/102 33 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set(NEW)
00089/102 Wooden Kit-Tall Curved Trestle Bridge(Near New)
00089/102 Trestle Bridge w/Piers & 3 Bridge girders(Used in Excellent condition)
00089/102 2 Steel Bridges w/Piers & 1 Bridge Girder(Used in Excellent condition)
00089/102 47 Piece Pier Set(NEW)
00089/102 47 Piece Pier Set(NEW)excellent)-2 available
00089/110 Bridge & Piers
00067/121 Lot of 3 Train Trestle Bridges(Used in very good condition)
00089/122 Trestle & pier bridge sets(Used - 3 different available)
00089/125 2 bridges(Steel & trestle), 15 track pieces & 24 piers(2 available)
00089/125 17 piece bridge & trestle set
00089/125 1 trestle bridge, 14 piers, 50 pieces of track, 2 lgithed bumpers, 1 remote controller, 1 - 3 switch connector & 2 rolls of electrical wire(LARGE LOT!!!!)
00089/125 Ligfhted Trestle Bridge w/15 pieces of track & 22 piers(Used in ex. Shape)(2 lots available)
00089/136 Blinking Lighted Trestle Bridge w/10 piece trestle set(Used in very good condition)
00089/136 Trestle bridge with 22 piece trestle set(Used in very good condition)
00089/138 Trestle Bridge with 10 piece trestle set with track section(NEW)
00089/139 Large pier set with actual Blinking Trestle Bridge(NEW)
00089/147 Over - Under Blinking Trestle bridge w/34 piece trestle set(NEW)
00089/164 Vollmer Stone Tunnel Portal Set(NEW)(2)
00089/164 Blinking Light Truss Bridge(NEW)
00089/164 Over 30 piece Bridge & Trestle Set(NEW)
00089/164 Over 40 piece Pier Set "Up & Over"(NEW)
00089/171 Bridge N Trestle Set - 17 Pieces(NEW)
00089/172 Large 3 inch Bridge Piers set of 4(NEW)
00089/172 Vintage 1948 Tunnel Portal Plaster Cast by Alexander Scale Models(2 available)
00089/172 Over & Under figure 8 Trestle set with 10 inch Bridge(NEW)
00089/172 17 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set by Tyco(NEW)(2 available)
00089/172 17 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set by Bachmann(NEW)
00089/172 Mountains in Minutes Tunnel Portals Set of TWO(NEW)