HO Scale Track, Bridges & Accessories.... Aside from offering most all hobby related products, we also offer custom scale modeling for just about anything. A scale model of a car, boat, plane or any vehicle as well as all types of dioramas made.... Coins, renault, Precious Moments, rookie, skid, Z Scale, 1-24, CARDS, cards, mercedes, universal hobbies, MLB, diecast, CHEVY, universal hobbies, DON RUSS, Planes, diecast, N, N, Plastic Model Kits, Renault, FOOTBALL, Hummel Porcelain, ALYMER, .... Your one stop place on line to fulfill all your hobby needs....

HO Scale Track, Bridges & Accessories

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Most items seen on this page are available in "Very Good" to "Ex." preowned condition. "Kits" are more likely in unbuilt "New" condition. If you have a preference on condition, please email us. We will then follow-up to let you know if we can accommodate your request with availability and price. Thank you.

Condition Information: Some items listed below are new in packaging while others are slightly used out of package.

Other Information: If you have a need for Hobby Paint, please email us and let us know. We have much to choose from along with hobby paint brushes as well. :)

SKU:         Description:
00095/082     Manual Left Switch Machine(New)
00080/082     Lot including Lighted Bumper Track and left & Right Manual Switch Machines(New)

00080 & 06550/088     15 Pieces of Track(Near New shape) & Used Power Transformer)Great starter set

00080/088     4 Pieces of Flex track(3 - 3' lengths & 1 - 1' Length(NEW)
00084/088     Used Turntable(Motor works, needs to be repaired, missing a couple parts)
00080/000     26 Pieces of Nickel Silver Train Track(Near Mint condition)
00080/091     Small varying lengths of track - minimum 15 piece lots.(10 available)(Used but good cond.)
00080/000     22 Pieces of Nickel Silver Train Track(Used in good shape)(2 Lots available)
00080/000     33 Pieces - various short sizes of Train Track(Used in good shape)
00080/000     1 Brass Remote Right Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/000     1 Nickel Silver Remote Right Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/000     1 Nickel Silver Remote Left Switch Track(Used in working condition)
00080/102     26 Piece track lot(Near Mint - Mint)Includes many types & pieces
00080/102     33 Piece Nickel Silver Track Lot(Curves only)(Near mint)
00080/102     22 Piece Track Lot (Near Mint)Includes Trestle Bridge, Lighted bumpers, criss crosses +
00080/102     35 Piece Track Lot(Near Mint)Includes Criss Crosses, Y switch, Right &  Left switches +
00080/102     5 Pieces of Flex track - 3 foot lengths(NEW)
00080/102     Right Remote Switch Track(USED but works fine)-2 available
00080/102     Left Remote Switch Track(USED but works fine)-5 available
00080/110     Silver Nickel Remote Left Switch Tracks(2 available)
00080/110     Silver Nickel Remote Right Switch Tracks(3 available)
00080/110     Brass Remote Right Switch Tracks(2 available)
00080/122     5 piece lot of E-Z Track by Bachmann(Near Mint)
00080/122     18 piece lot of E-Z Track by Bachmann(Near Mint)
00080/122     Complete Oval E-Z Track with transformer & hookup(Near Mint)
00080/122     Left Remote Switch Track(Used in very good working condition)

00080/125     Pair of used Remote Switch Tracks(Left & Right-Excellent working condition)20 pairs available

00080/125     4 1/2' Oval track layout w/transformer & wiring complete(Used-excellent shape)10 sets available

00080/125     Flex track Near mint-mint(5 piece lots)7 lots available
00080/125     Nickel Silver track lot - 34 pieces(Near mint)
00080/132     Atlas Remote Right Switch(Near Mint)(4 available)
00080/132     Atlas Remote Left Switch(Near Mint)(3 available)
00080/136     Casadio Remote Right Switch(Good working order)
00080/136     Lifelike Remote Left Switch(Good working order)
00080/138     Bachmann EZ Track 18 piece oval complete with transformer & hookup(NEW)
00080/138     14 piece Nickel Silver track Oval complete with transformer & hookup(NEW)

00080/164     30 Piece track oval complete with power transformer, wire, RR Crossing, Connectors & Sand paper. All you need is to add the train and you've got a ready made layout! (Used in very good condition (5)

00080/164     Right Remote Switch track with switch controller(NEW)(3)
00080/164     Left Remote Switch track with switch Controller(NEW)(3)
00080/164     Right Remote Switch track(Excellent Condition)(2)
00080/164     Left Remote Switch track(Excellent Condition)(2)
00080/164     Lionel Rerailer Uncoupler 0919 track section(USED)(2)
00080/164     Illuminated Bumper Track section(NEW)

SKU:         Description:
00387/062     Elevated Train Bridge with Blinking Light & set of 12 Trestles(New Kit)
00388/062     Elevated Train Bridge with Blinking Light & set of 28 Trestles (New Kit)
01068/080     Bridge 'N Trestle Set including 17 pieces(New Kit)
00089/000     Trestle Bridge w/Piers & 8 Pieces of Track(Like New Condition)
00089/088     Used Bridge and Trestle Set Var.1(Excellent shape - 4 Avail)
00089/088     Used Bridge and Trestle Set Var.2(Excellent shape)
00089/000     Bridge & Extended Trestle Set(Vat.3(Excellent Shape)
00089/094     Bridge & Trestle Set(33 Pieces)(NEW)
00089/094     Over/Under Bridge with real blinking light(NEW)
00089/102     2 Tunnel Portals(Mint)
00089/102     33 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set(NEW)
00089/102     Wooden Kit-Tall Curved Trestle Bridge(Near New)
00089/102     Trestle Bridge w/Piers & 3 Bridge girders(Used in Excellent condition)
00089/102     2 Steel Bridges w/Piers & 1 Bridge Girder(Used in Excellent condition)
00089/102     47 Piece Pier Set(NEW)
00089/102     47 Piece Pier Set(NEW)excellent)-2 available
00089/110     Bridge & Piers
00067/121     Lot of 3 Train Trestle Bridges(Used in very good condition)
00089/122     Trestle & pier bridge sets(Used - 3 different available)
00089/125     2 bridges(Steel & trestle), 15 track pieces & 24 piers(2 available)
00089/125     17 piece bridge & trestle set

00089/125     1 trestle bridge, 14 piers, 50 pieces of track, 2 lgithed bumpers, 1 remote controller, 1 - 3 switch connector & 2 rolls of electrical wire(LARGE LOT!!!!)

00089/125     Ligfhted Trestle Bridge w/15 pieces of track & 22 piers(Used in ex. Shape)(2 lots available)
00089/136     Blinking Lighted Trestle Bridge w/10 piece trestle set(Used in very good condition)
00089/136     Trestle bridge with 22 piece trestle set(Used in very good condition)
00089/138     Trestle Bridge with 10 piece trestle set with track section(NEW)
00089/139     Large pier set with actual Blinking Trestle Bridge(NEW)
00089/147     Over - Under Blinking Trestle bridge w/34 piece trestle set(NEW)
00089/164     Vollmer Stone Tunnel Portal Set(NEW)(2)
00089/164     Blinking Light Truss Bridge(NEW)
00089/164     Over 30 piece Bridge & Trestle Set(NEW)
00089/164     Over 40 piece Pier Set "Up & Over"(NEW)
00089/171     Bridge N Trestle Set - 17 Pieces(NEW)
00089/172     Large 3 inch Bridge Piers set of 4(NEW)
00089/172     Vintage 1948 Tunnel Portal Plaster Cast by Alexander Scale Models(2 available)
00089/172     Over & Under figure 8 Trestle set with 10 inch Bridge(NEW)
00089/172     17 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set by Tyco(NEW)(2 available)
00089/172     17 Piece Bridge & Trestle Set by Bachmann(NEW)
00089/172     Mountains in Minutes Tunnel Portals Set of TWO(NEW)